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Brought To You By
Arlen Castenada

Published by: Buddy Castenada on 23-Aug-24
When young children experience separation anxiety
It's understandable to be concerned about young children experiencing separation anxiety. However, it's important to clarify that separation anxiety itself does not cause a parent or parents to die while they are away. Separation anxiety is a common and normal part of childhood development where children feel distressed when separated from their primary caregivers.

If you're worried about how to help a child cope with separation anxiety, here are some tips:

  1. Practice Short Separations: Gradually increase the time you spend apart so the child can get used to being away from you.
  2. Create a Goodbye Ritual: A consistent and positive goodbye routine can help ease the transition.
  3. Stay Calm and Confident: Children often pick up on their parents' emotions, so staying calm can help reassure them.
  4. Provide Comfort Items: A favorite toy or blanket can provide comfort in your absence.
  5. Reassure Them of Your Return: Let them know when you'll be back in terms they understand.

If the child's anxiety seems severe or persistent, it might be helpful to consult with a pediatrician or child psychologist for additional support and strategies.

Remember, it's natural for children to experience some level of separation anxiety as they grow and develop independence skills.

